Friday, November 09, 2007


I am sure I have lost every single one of my readers, if I had any before. Infrequent updating made it seem like I dropped off the earth, but the grind of a PhD forced me to slack off on my poker play.

As of last week I had quite a comeback week with a nice streak where sharkscope labeled me as hot. It took effort for me to lose a sng.

Now, in the last two days, I am officially on "supertilt" with a huge decline in my performance. The money goes in when I am ahead, and then the cards end up with me the loser. One pattern of coinflips involves 3 AJ v. 99 matchups on either side and have yet to win one of them.

So, I could fill this post with a bit of a variance whine, but I am going to stop there. Just felt like time to put some more ink on the internet.