Monday, June 26, 2006

Decided to hit the daily 19k 10/1 rebuy tournament at Pokerrewards again. At the rebuy period, I had 3xbuy-in (4.5k) and was in need of a rebuy, putting me at 6k. After the first hour, I was able to push a few marginal hands and go up to 7.2k or so. After that I hit a hard dry spell, and nothing decent came up for several hands. No suited connectors, no pocket pairs, or a pair of face cards (well, JK once which allowed me to push all in and gather a few blinds). I am currently down to 2.7k (4xBB) and am waiting for a hand to push in with.

Pushed in with q/9 and stole a few blinds to help for another round. Currently ranked 171/184. The tournament started with 698 people, and 70 places payout.

Pushed in with j/10 suited and hit a flush...doubled up to 8k! Ended up beating A/10 and Q/Q in the hand. The flop gave me a straight draw and the turn gave me a flush the river was quite nice.

Finished 159th. My K/Q got destroyed by A/Q...

I was in first position and was dealth K/Q of hearts. I called the blind (800, close to 1/10th of my stack) and have one more caller in 5th position. 6th position raises to 2400(3x BB). This guy has been aggressive and lose. Everyone folds to me, and I push all in (hoping I caught him in an attempt to steal blinds + limpers). He turns over A/Q and the flop contains both a King and an Ace. I lose.

Thoughts: First, I have seem him raise a few limpers pre-flop and then give up the hand later. Usually, however, he raised it just 2xBB. So that might have been my first clue that my hand was less than stellar. Also, I just moved from the Red/orange zone to the Yellow zone, so I should have back off the marginal hand. A lesson learned for $20, but 159/698 was an okay performance. I should have been able to trek on further.


At 7:39 PM, Blogger Jordan said...

I linked you, and I even made a post in your honor :D


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