Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Given that I ran well last night, I wanted to play a bit more this afternoon to see if my luck/game would continued. While surfing on the Pokerroom website, I cam across a tournament-based freeroll that will be having on the 20th of August. Basically, to get a ticket to it, you have to win 5 different sit n go tournametns that are running daily from the end of July until August 11th. Given that I spend most of my poker time playing these low-limit SNGs anyways, I figured this might be worth my time.

The six SNGs that need to be cleared are:
5/.75 20 person
10/1.5 10 person
10/1.5 6 person
20/3 10 person
20/3 6 person

Given the formats, I figued that the 20 person would take the most time to fill up and actually play out. Also, my likelihood of winning would be the lowest since there are more competitors. So I played that one first and just cleared it 5 minutes ago ($40 for first). Given that it ought to be the hardest, I can now continue on my track to the freeroll and hope that my ITM placing will outpace any losses I have. I am a bit worried about the 20/3 since I have not played too many SNGs at that level (only a few, and have won once or twice), but my win from last night might cover me through those trying times.


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