Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Dearest Readers,

My recent updates have slowed down a bit with the restart of the school year. As some of you may know, I am a graduate student on route to obtain his PhD in political science (focus on international relations, comparative politics, and quantitative methods), and the school year has offered a busy start that has lead to a decrease in my ability to play and post.

This Weekend, I plan on taking a bit of time to do a proper update with plans for the future. Right now I think the challenge is on hiatus as I am not able to ride my rushes to higher levels given to the low amount of time I get to play daily or on the weekends...however, I have moved comfortably up to the $100NL level both online and live, and am consistantly cashing out with money at the $200NL level at a club I play at once or twice a week. So, the new goal/project will probably be to build a bankroll that allows a move up to the $200NL level for online play and start merging my online bankroll with my live bankroll.

So, this blog will not be neglected for long and has not died...and I am still able to read all of those who I kept up with over the summer.


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