My Play of the Week:
I am in late position and the limpers come around to me where I raise for $10 with AQ. Everyone folds to Jeff and Matt (in front of the button) who both call. The flop is A66. He bets out for 10, I call, and Jeff folds. A 4 comes out. He bets $15, I call, and a 7 comes out. Matt bets out $13, and knowing this guy, it seems to be a very weak bet. I reraise to $40 and he sits and thinks. He flips up an ace and I continue to just stare at the board. He flips up his second card, a J. I think for a second, and then announce “Oh you folded?” I pause for a one second to let people begin to protest and say that he didn’t fold, and then I say “Well, Good. You had me beat.” As I enunciate the word “beat” clearly, he announces “call.” I smile, flip up my AQ, and take down a larger pot.
I have read many threads that have talked about live play where a particular local player will flip up his/her cards against an unsuspecting tourist, the tourist…thinking that the hand is dead, will make some comment like mine above. The local player will then take the appropriate action, either go all-in or fold. Now, if Matt really thought I was that dumb, he should have gone all in, but he merely called. I am not sure if that was the right time to make that play (as it only gained me $30) and I probably can never use it again there. Matt smiled once he figured out what I did and a few people looked at me and said “That was a good move.”
For those keeping track, Matt was the villian in this hand.
My General Update
I promised an update this weekend and failed to deliver; however, I hope this will make up for it. My weekend activity has been very minimal:
I dropped 2 buy-ins on pokerroom at the $100NL over the last week (on 9/13) from overplaying a few hands. The biggest loser was my pocket jacks losing on a QQ3 flop to pocket aces. I should have either had a clue much earlier from the preflop betting/calling (I was hoping too much that he had AK) and either went all in on the turn to push him off (he was heavily contemplating folding on the river to my $22 bet, and if I had a full buy in, he might have folded then), or just have given up much earlier. This is slightly messing up my pokertracker results as I play on two different computers and the dreampoker results always come out horribly messed up with other hands. Sio I am showing to be a loser at this level despite being several buyins up over the last two weeks.
This weekend, I made some of the money back by tournament play (played two $5 freezeouts and placed in both of them, but both of them short of the final table, so I only made a $30 profit) and made half a buy-in back from NL play, all my play has been extremely short session.
I played at the $200NL club and left with $75 extra dollars. I was up over a full buy-in by the first two hours, but the last hour killed me with trips being killed by a higher kicker (Q v. K), and making some bad plays, however, my best play of the week (the one written above) occurred there.
I just didn’t do well at the dreampoker tournament, no cards combined with bad plays and lots of aggression allowed me to wither way in 31st.
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