Thursday, May 17, 2007

Time to start my serious poker training now that I am done with my final paper for class. This will probably be one of the few days that I can go all out as I have to start teaching in a week and have yet to get my lesson plan together. Consequently, it is time to multitable like I have not done in a year.

I am currently doing 2 $20 SNGs on AP and 2 $100NL tables at Pokerstars.

Cash Game Hands
Net: -50

*I smelled weakness I think I was wrong.

*SNG hands
End of Session Results:
net: +70
Losses: 3

Hands of Interest:
*A weird river bet leads me to calling with middle pocket pair. It looked like a value bet, but could have easily been a blocking bet as well. This is the first hand of the sng.

*1st hand of SNG #4 I was getting a little frisky and annoyed here.

(#4 - picked off a river bluff (well, he had middle pair, but it was into a paired board and 3 spades showing) with a pretty good call.

I win number four with these two hands:
*TT. and I have 8k in chips I don't think I could get away from this hand if I tried...Probably would get at least one person out, if not both. River saves me.

*I luck box for the win

I also win the 5th one. So 3 bricks and 2 gold SNGs lead to an okay afternoon. Now I am thinking about going up to turningstone.


At 1:00 PM, Blogger actyper said...

Can't believe the guy with the set only called you. You smelt weakness and you were right. Unfortunately it was the player and not his cards on that hand that was weak.


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